Today I found Simmer Stock, a nice blog today all about cooking. Definitely worth wandering around. That site led me to take a look at Honest Cuisine, which is a collabroative type journal on food and is described as "Honest Cuisine is all about context: Quality ingredients mixed with thoughtful preparation and presentation enthusiastically shared with others in a special place at a special time." A very neat idea.
Like farmer's markets? You can find your nearest one here (via sautewednesday) or try here. Dates and locations are listed as well. Sweet! I can't wait until the ones around here open up again!
Also sort of nifty is the food bloogers web ring- a listing of food related weblogs- currently a small list but I'd love to see it grow. This is the food blog for the guy who runs the site. From his site I found a link to the Boston Cooking School Cookbook from 1918 which was the last edition to be edited by Fannie Farmer. Check it out. Another cooking web ring I found today is blogs that cook (put together by Christine of This or That Tuesday).
Ever wonder when the food festivals happen? Well, wonder no longer. Here's a list of festivals around the US sorted by month. The one I would love to go to most is the Gilroy Garlic Festival which happens in July. There's also a list of all garlic festivals. And for your amusement check out this unusual garlic flavored product!
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