"A controversial monorail along the Las Vegas Strip is about to give new meaning to the term "advertising vehicle." Imagine hurtling from casino to casino, for example, in a giant can of Monster Energy drink. The monorail, due to open next year, is Las Vegas's latest attempt to relieve traffic congestion along gambling's main thoroughfare. But its route isn't exactly convenient for travelers, who won't be able to catch it at the airport and must hike through casinos to reach it. Once aboard, they will be trapped in a wall-to-wall marketing blitz."
Ad "puffery"? - After the Tampax/Playtex case, this article takes a look at the past legal battles that have insued over false advertising, puffery and other "better than" claims made in ads.
Cox shoes ad gets banned - Advertising watchdogs have banned a magazine advert for Patrick Cox shoes after a reader complained it appeared to depict an "act of buggery". Also see more here.
"Diners at local Chinese restaurants will get a taste of a new form of advertising when they crack open their fortune cookies next month. Ads promoting a contest for a new reality TV show will be hiding on the backs of the fortunes inside the desserts. It's a unique alternative to the bombarding ad messages that consumers face, said Mark Hughes, founder of Buzzmarketing, the 8-month-old marketing company in Media, Pa., that is pushing the medium. "People are getting a little more daring, and the tide is beginning to! turn" away from traditional advertising, Mr. Hughes said."
Virgin Mobile USA hopes to jump-start its cellphone business among teenage and young adult customers with a campaign beginning during the MTV Movie Awards. The spots, which carry the theme "Live without a plan," will seek to demonstrate that the company truly understands young people, down to the kind of billing plans that they prefer. Brand and telecommunications analysts say they think the effort will be a winner because the youth market feels underserved by the big companies like Verizon Wireless and AT&T Wireless. But they cautioned that Virgin would have to speak consistently and carefully to maintain the loyalty of young people, who are considered fickle. And after committing itself so thoroughly to youth, any expansion into the general market would be difficult.
Snuggle Bear gets an image makeover - Follow the link for the print ads and for link to the NY Times story.
Female Superstar Aside, Men Still Rule Madison Ave.- This article takes an interesting look at the gender slant in the biz of advertising.
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