+ Have you checked out this weeks print critic email yet? You should. The Pony ads are very cool.
+ Search-Style Ads Lift Brand Awareness, Study Says:
Interesting. I suppose I can see why that would be. Sometimes I do actually look at the ads on the side when I do a search on google or something.
Contrary to generally held industry beliefs, sponsored text advertising does work for a number of branding objectives, according to a massive study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) and Nielsen//NetRatings released Wednesday.
The study was done online with more than 10,500 participants using a controlled experimental design. It measured the brand impact of sponsored and contextual listings in the health, auto, beverage, electronics, retail and finance industries.
On average, respondents were 27 percent more likely to name a specific brand if it was in the top spot on the search results page, according to the study. Contextual listings -- text ads on non-search pages -- caused a 23 percent lift among respondents.
Placement was a key element. Ads in the top position on the search results page increased an aggregate of all the brand metrics by an average of 14 percent across the six industries. The effect fell dramatically as rankings went lower, the study found. For example, ads in the fifth position showed only a minor directional lift.
+ Copywriter and author Bruno Bouchet has writen a new book and used the internet to get the word out with a fun game where you get to throw food at baby boomers (and the books characters) who head to villas in the French countryside to sort out their midlife crisis (which is the basis for his book.) Check out his site here. (flash 6 req.)
+ Slim Fast drops Whoopi over her "bush" remark. "While I can appreciate what the Slim-Fast people need to do in order to protect their business, I must also do what I need to do as an artist, as a writer and as an American - not to mention as a comic," Goldberg said in a statement Thursday. "It's unfortunate that, in this country, the two cannot mesh."
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