+ Chaos By Design has some cool stuff to check out.
+ The Glue Society is an Australian creative hot house. Check out their swell work.
+ Caffeinated.com is live. Very Swank!
+ Is Ikea hiding a grin? Or is this just another case of culture clash? (hat tip to Clay.)
+ Commerical Lampooning - "Spoof ads have long been a staple on late-night comedy shows—Dan Aykroyd memorably touted the Bass-o-Matic, a blender that can turn fish into puree, as an infomercial announcer on Saturday Night Live in the 1970s. For advertisers and their agencies, a spoof offers proof that their ad has become part of the collective consciousness of pop culture. And in an advertising climate increasingly abandoning the traditional 30-second spot, the association is—to quote another oft-spoofed ad—well, priceless. "So much of what an ad is trying to do is establish brand identity, and a parody does that," says Robert Thompson, director of the Center for the Study of Popular Television at Syracuse University. "A parody on Saturday Night Live is, in effect, another ad—one you didn't pay for that carries a lot more cultural currency."" (hat tip to Clay.)
+ PSFK have the dirt on a swanky way to turn your iPod into a boombox, but with much more class. Lots of interesting trend and cultural stuff to read- like this bit on old school receivers for cell phones by Pokia. I have to say, I think the Mayfair model is rather snazzy.
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