"It's a leap and a half from the core product, but there is definitely a connection," said Charles Riotto, president at International Licensing Industry Merchandisers' Assn., New York. "People associate Aquafina with purity, which is the type of thing consumers would look for in facial cleansers."
The move helps extend the Aquafina brand name from the beverage aisle to the cosmetics aisle, Riotto affirmed. "Plus the brand name will now pop up in other places of the house. One of the main benefits of licensing is to build more awareness for the brand, not to mention the royalties from the revenue stream."

But what is more odd is that either my google-fu is way off or their site for the hair removal line doesn't exist yet. Perhaps some genius decided to build it all out in flash so that no search engine could find it. But even still. I couldn't even find any press releases on it either or anything at all on the Johnson & Johnson site (the parent co). Granted I only spent a few minutes searching, but, you'd think product extension would warrant some chest thumping. *shrug* At least the packaging for the hair removal stuff is less pink than their other pantyliner packaging. You know, because pink=girls/women. Ugh.
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