Saturday, October 16, 2010

Four Bronze Hatch Bowls

+ Thursday night was the Boston Ad Club's 50th Hatch Awards, held at the Wang Theater(/citibank something or other). It was great to have my work at Studiocom Boston for Dunkin' Donuts recognized. Create Dunkin's Next Donut honored with bronze for Social and Wesbites categories, Maurice the Talking Espresso Bean for a bronze in Social and Carve Your Own Pumpkin in win a bronze in Rich Media.

Overall, I have to say, I'm a bit disappointed in the way the awards went in the "non-traditional" categories. Hatch is a traditional focused award show. It, for many years, has been only about broadcast, print and identity. But, I would have hoped on it's 50th anniversary, there would have been more love given to the non-traditional side of things...showing an evolution of the times. There were a few gold and silver bowls handed out in the "non-broadcast/non-print" world...but they were all online videos. And the majority of those were also winners in the broadcast categories. They would show the tv spots and we'd listen to the radio ads...but none of the rich media was shown, except as static images. Which is weird if you ask me. Why not show the animation of the RM experience? Oh well. Maybe in the next 50 years, Hatch will get it...or the judges they pick will get it. It's hard to evolve a dinosaur.

But, I also suppose that's why there are other shows that focus more on the digital MITX. :)

1 comment :

Creative ITBD said...

I enjoyeed reading your post

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