Vote for your favorite BBC comedy show in the upcoming year. The top 100 are listed with blurbs about the show.
Crazy list of toys and games from a variety of fast food places. Includes ad icons, like the Noid!
Advertising board games! Scary. I had no idea so many advertisers made games.

Bookends:: Twins
Compliment:: good
Gutter:: Ball
Obsession:: Addiction
Heavy:: Big
Real:: True
Disposable:: Camera
Breeze:: Cool
Work:: Annoying
Sweetheart:: Sexy

Singing black holes- "Astronomers were not surprised to find the supermassive black hole making a strong sub-bass sound. Though these greatest known matter sinks are by nature dark and invisible, they create bright and chaotic environments in which many forms of radiation -- from radio waves to visible light to X-rays -- have been recorded. These electromagnetic waves all travel at the speed of light."
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