Monday, January 02, 2012

A look back at posts from 2011

Everyone does it. I know. But this was less for you and more for me to take a trip back through my activity on the blog here over the past year. Below are some of my favorite posts or ones that I feel had some meaning or value.
+ John Cleese on Creativity
+ Why a Good Brief Leads to Good Creative
+ Why Social Should Drop the Media
+ Creativity in the Digital Space: Part 2 & Part 3
+ QR Codes: Hot or Not?
+ 6 Tips for Ad Peeps, Old and New
+ Why Copywriters Need to Care About Typography
+ Your Ideas Are Your Value
+ Using Websites to Tell Stories
+ 10 Things That Scare Creatives
+ Branding and Digital: Part 1 and Part 2

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